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POSTPONED: Prato Urban Jungle Kick-off
We are sorry to say that Prato Urban Jungle launch event planned for February, 28th has been cancelled and postponed to a future date.
PUJ aims to reforest some areas of Prato city in a sustainable and socially inclusive way, creating urban jungles spots. Those areas of high population density will be redesigned with green, using plants’ ability to depurate air and soil from pollutant and giving abandoned places back to the community as open, healthy and livable.
16.00 – Institutional greetings Matteo Biffoni, Sindaco Comune di Prato
16.15 – Project presentation Valerio Barberis, Assessore urbanistica e ambiente Comune di Prato
16.45 – From urban forestry to urban jungle: how european cities use nature-based solutions to help climate change policies
With : Stefano Boeri – Stefano Boeri Architetti e Stefano Mancuso, PNAT e Professore ordinario all’Università di Firenze
Coordinated by: Cristiana Perrella, Direttrice del Centro Pecci
18.00 – Presentation of “Junglathon” projects
19.00 – Cocktail time