Fabbrica dell'Aria - Coop.fi, Ponte a Greve
Fabbrica dell'Aria - Coop.fi
Pnat has realized a living space installation of the Air Factory, in the Coop headquarters in Ponte a Greve. The project consist of a gate in the welcome area to the commercial space composed of two Air Factories, integrated with a coordinated installation of freestanding plants suitable for retail sale. Thanks to its revolutionary system of air purification through plants, the Air Factory allows employees to breathe pure air while working indoor. In fact, the registered technology Stomata© amplifies plants’ ability to absorb and degrade both inorganic air pollutants (carbon dioxide, nitrogen compounds, fine dust …) and organic (the VOCs). In addition, the biophilic design and the massive presence of plants improve environmental comfort, offering an ideal set for working activities and restorative breaks.