Healing Gardens and Sensory Gardens - Pediatric Hospital Meyer

Healing Gardens and Sensory Gardens - Pediatric Hospital Meyer

The creation and transformation of hospitals in green places, different from what we are used to know, allows us to bring a beneficial action on the environment, but especially on the psyche of patients and their families; the sight of plants calms, improves socialization skills, relieves stress, and decreases the risk of depression and downtime. The design of the terraces for the Meyer Hospital aims to provide patients with a green view, which is supposed to improve the psychophysical condition of both sick children and their guardians. The project involves the redevelopment of two terraces on the first floor of the hospital complex. On the terraces will be built two gardens, with different functions, depending on the exposure of the building and the characteristics of the environments that overlook them.
The Healing Garden is the garden that will extend linearly along the hospital rooms of patients of the infant oncology department. The terrace will turn into a green jungle: facing the window the view will be muffled by a filter of plants that brightens and stretches.
The Sensory Garden will be arranged in the large space outside the laboratories. This terrace will be dedicated to relaxation and relaxation thanks to the creation of a wind garden. The use of plants sensitive to the movement of the wind will create a changeable and soft landscape.
The plants inserted will have the function of shading in order to create comfort areas that will make the terraces livable even in the hottest periods of the year.

Project Info

Fondazione Ospedale Pediatrico Meyer
