
One of most urgent issue that Italian coasts have to address concerns the accumulation of vegetable biomass washed ashore. It is a natural event caused by plants life cycles, hyrodynamism and seabed geomorphology. However, it can complicate coast management. This biological matter uses to sediment on beaches and start its decomposition process there. It interferes with the ideal use of seaside places, and does not help a tourist development. Most common species that produce plant waste on italian beaches are phanerogams Posidonia oceanica and Cymodocea nodosa. Instead of removing and disposing of it as a waste, Posidonia leftover can be used as a resource for circular economy. Pnat investigated some case studies (Punta Ala, Castiglione, Orbetello) on the Tuscan coast, first by sampling washed ashore materials. After having registered material characteristic and quantity, most common species have been tested in laboratory, to evaluate their chemical-physical properties. We drafted a report on problems and opportunities in creative re-use of Posidonia. We then created a specific bibliography, including all successful examples of using Posidonia as a resource for product industry. Our proposal focuses on most interesting experiences, and suggests to employ Posidonia fiber to create different packaging solutions and bio composite elements.

Pnat’s report has been presented during 2019 Edition of G20s – italian seaside town summit, held in Castiglione della Pescaia and sponsored by SEI Toscana.

Project Info

Sei Toscana
