Air Factory Certification

By Antonio Girardi

December 19, 2024


In June 2024, important measurements were made to evaluate the performance of Fabbrica dell’Aria, an innovative air purification system that combines technology and nature. The tests were conducted following method AC-4-2022, developed by the American Association of Home Appliance Manufacturers (AHAM), an internationally recognized protocol for evaluating the efficiency of air purification devices. These tests, carried out at Intertek‘s U.S. laboratories, involved a 75×75 cm base module and were performed in a controlled test chamber. During the tests, specific pollutants were introduced at predetermined concentrations to simulate real exposure scenarios. Subsequently, the ability of FdA to reduce the concentration of these contaminants once their introduction was stopped was evaluated and the time required to abate them was monitored.

The problem of indoor pollutants

In enclosed spaces, air quality is often compromised by volatile organic compounds (VOCs), suspended particles and other contaminants from sources such as paint, furniture, detergents and electronic equipment. Of these, formaldehyde, toluene and limonene are particularly insidious: they can accumulate over time, causing respiratory problems, irritation and, in extreme cases, chronic toxic effects. Considering that we spend more than 90 percent of our time indoors, improving indoor air quality has become imperative for well-being and health.

The botanical filtration revolution

Fis distinguished by the use of a unique approach to air purification, harnessing the natural mechanisms of plants and their roots, enhanced by an advanced technological system. Through phytodepuration, microorganisms in the root substrate metabolize and neutralize pollutants, transforming them into harmless substances. This process is not only extremely effective, but also represents an ecological, sustainable and replicable solution on a large scale.

Outstanding test results

A key parameter calculated during these analyses was the Clean Air Delivery Rate (CADR), which indicates the amount of air purified of a specific contaminant that the system can deliver in one hour. The pollutants tested included VOCs such as toluene, limonene, heptane, ammonia, and formaldehyde, chosen to represent a significant range of contaminants found indoors. The results obtained were particularly significant: for formaldehyde, a well-known and dangerous VOC, the FdA system achieved a CADR of 167 m³/h, with an abatement rate close to 100 percent, demonstrating the device’s outstanding effectiveness in treating one of the most common and health-damaging indoor contaminants. These results, certified in Intertek’s reports (No. 105667895GRR-001b/d/f), are a confirmation of Fabbrica dell’Aria potential, not only as a state-of-the-art technological solution but also as a key tool to promote cleaner and healthier indoor air.

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