Fabbrica dell’Aria at Manifattura Tabacchi
Cdp Immobiliare, Gruppo Aermont
Florence - Italy
Fabbrica dell'Aria
Manifattura Tabacchi
The project came out of studies into atmospheric pollution within closed environments, which actually exceeds the levels of concentration found outdoors but receives little of the attention. Plants have a natural ability to clean the air of pollutants but the issue has always been the huge quantities required. However, thanks to technology created by Pnat, this capacity has been increased to such an extent that just a few plants are able to purify a large amount of air in a short amount of time. Thanks to this unique combination of botany and design, the Fabbrica dell’Aria is an innovative, scalable and replicable model which exponentially increases the natural ability of plants to remove the pollutants that are present in the places where we live and work.
In the Fabbrica dell’Aria, by recycling indoor air, significant energy savings are achieved as the comfort temperature is maintained without external air exchange. Additionally, systems that rely on mechanical ventilation and filtration of incoming external air incur high costs, including maintenance. By using a botanical filter, plant maintenance is minimal: the Fabbrica dell’Aria essentially provides pure air at a comfortable temperature while reducing traditional management and maintenance costs.
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